Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Facebook In Trouble After Spreading Of Violent Videos!

Jahanara Nissar
Last year Facebook had received great criticism from its users around the globe for the dissemination of violent videos. The range and reach of the social media platform are being questioned around the globe. Whether it is helping the society or creating more issues, the status of Facebook and its role in the formation of societal and global fabric is under question. 

Prompt actions were not taken by facebook in tackling the dissemination of violent attack video of NZ terror attack. The long video of the violent attack was available on the platform and was viewed as by a  number of people around the globe. Several countries are taking significant actions in order to tackle and counter the negative effects of dissemination of such violent acts. They believe that leading companies have failed in tackling this menace and it is time to take constitutional steps to avoid such acts in the future. 

The UK Home Secretary stated that "It is imperative that the global community works together to ensure that technology firms meet their moral obligation to protect the communities which they serve and from which they profit".  In a similar manner, grave concerns were expressed by New Zealand’s prime minister and Scott Morrison, Australian.    

Civil society has stepped forward in order to create awareness about the positive use of social media. Several online initiatives are being taken to avoid any violent atrocity in the future.